Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bridgeport Game

The Bridgeport game is still scheduled fro Oct. 29th. Transportation to and from the game will be provided, the bus will be leaving at 3:30. Our estimated time to be back to the middle school is 8 pm. The students will be handing back their equipment when we get to the locker room, so please leave a little extra time when you plan to pick them up. We will also be having a pizza party on Thursday at 4 in the high school cafeteria, the students can be picked up around 5:15.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Essexville Garber on 10/15 now AWAY

Due to electrical problems at our stadium, the game for next week has been scheduled to now be at Essexville Garber at 5pm. Our bus will be leaving at 3pm from in front of the middle school and will be providing a ride back from the game. Our estimated time to be back is around 7:45.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Millington Game and Heart Screening

The Millington game has been rescheduled for Monday, October 21st at 5pm in Millington. The bus will leave the Middle School at 3:45 and it is DROP OFF only.  Appointments are available for the FREE heart screening for your student athlete. I highly recommend making sure your child gets this done. It does save lives. Go to

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Practice today

Practice today will end at 4pm so the students can attend the Trish White memorial. It starts at 5pm in Columbiaville at the hall.