Welcome! This is a blog for finding out general information on my Physical Education class and after school activities.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Running Club
There is still space available if anyone wants to join! We did two miles our first day, great job kids!
Archery was a big success! We had about 25 kids, many first timers. Special thanks to Mr. Raible for volunteering his time to help the kids out. Congrats to all and keep shooting!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Fishing Club

Class Time:
3:50 – 5:30
May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19,
Columbiaville Gym
(Snack will be
(Checks made payable
to LakeVille Community Education)
MUST bring a life jacket with student’s name inside.
Students will learn water safety, how to tie their own knots, how to
bait hooks, and will practice casting.
The first 2 classes will be held in the gym. The remainder of the classes will start in
the gym and then we will go to the reservoir to fish, weather permitting. Our fishing will be catch and release
only. We will return to school at
5:30. There is a limited amount of
equipment to borrow. Please plan on
bringing your own.
We will need parent volunteers.
We need a ratio of 3 students to 1 adult.
fill out the attached registration form and return to the school office along
with the check made out to LakeVille Community Education no later than April 30, 2015.
Student’s Name
Grade ________________
Phone Number ____________________________________ Teacher _______________
Parent Signature ___________________________________ Payment Rec. __________
Falcon Flyers Running Club
Flyers Running Club is for 4th and 5th Grade students who
are SERIOUS about running and training for a 5K race.
will begin with drills in the gym at Columbiaville Elementary and we will then
be running on the Columbiaville Rail Trail every Tuesday and Thursday right
after school from 3:45 – 5:30 p.m.
There will be NO LATCHKEY so students will need to be picked up by 5:30 p.m. sharp. Every student will receive a snack each
day before running.
must come to school every Tuesday and Thursday ready to run with running/tennis
shoes. If they do not have shoes they
will be sitting in the gym while other students are running.
after school program will be limited to the first 30 students who turn in their
permission slip. There will be NO
exceptions. The first 30 to turn in
their slip gets a spot. We will begin on Tuesday April 14, 2015. In case of inclement weather, we will be
running in the hall and gym at the school.
your child is interested in joining the Columbiaville Falcon Flyers, please sign and return the form below no later than Thursday, April 2, 2015.
14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
child__________________________ in grade ________ at Columbiaville Elementary
School has my permission to join Falcon Flyers Running Club starting on April
14, 2015 and ending on April 30, 2015. I
understand that they will stay after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and that
I will be required to pick them up no
later than 5:30 p.m. after running club.
Signature ______________________
Phone Number______________
Article on Physical Education and Learning
This is an article I came across recently and talks about the positive impact of being active and learning.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Hurley Camp Move It!
Hurley is helping to offset most of the cost of staying a week at Camp Copneconic!
CAMP MOVE IT is an overnight camp, July 26-31, 2015. Campers will be introduced to various healthy lifestyle practices, such as fit and fun “MOVE IT” games and nutritious eating activities while enjoying the atmosphere and activities of camp. Help your child grow with the tools they need to live a life of wellness! Camp normally costs over $500 per child, but Hurley Medical Center has special funding to provide financial assistance to help several families pay only a small fee ($50 or less, depending on the financial hardship of the family). Don’t wait—these scholarships will go quick! Please email or call Hurley Community Wellness Manager, Danielle Campbell at dcampbe2@hurleymc.com or 810.262.7898.
CAMP MOVE IT is an overnight camp, July 26-31, 2015. Campers will be introduced to various healthy lifestyle practices, such as fit and fun “MOVE IT” games and nutritious eating activities while enjoying the atmosphere and activities of camp. Help your child grow with the tools they need to live a life of wellness! Camp normally costs over $500 per child, but Hurley Medical Center has special funding to provide financial assistance to help several families pay only a small fee ($50 or less, depending on the financial hardship of the family). Don’t wait—these scholarships will go quick! Please email or call Hurley Community Wellness Manager, Danielle Campbell at dcampbe2@hurleymc.com or 810.262.7898.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Archery Club
The dates for the Archery Club have been posted, remember it's the first 24 paid that get in. I try to limit it so kids get plenty of time to practice! The dates are March 9, 11, 12, 16, 19, and 20. Times are from 3:40-5:15 and snack will be provided. The cost will be $25, see Mrs. Reikowski in the office to sign up!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Hockey Stations
This video shows some of the stations we did a week or so ago. There were two exercise stations, one hockey, one fun station and the traverse wall. They get in a good workout and get to work on their manipulative skills with the hockey sticks.
Volleyball Not In My Yard
This is similar to another game we play called Not In My Yard. Instead of the kids working on their underhand and overhand throws, they were working on the underhand serve and bumping skills.
Capture the Flag
This is a video of our version of Capture the Flag. Basically it's two teams divided at the half court line. Each team has a jail at their end of the gym and a tub with 6 Nerf like balls. They try to take each other's balls without getting tagged by the other team or they go to jail. To get out of jail, a teammate must come get them without getting tagged themselves. Lots of running, planning and cooperation!
Article Linking Fitness and Language Skills
A great article that links physical fitness with better language skills.
Hello Again! Volleyball Stations
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