Welcome! This is a blog for finding out general information on my Physical Education class and after school activities.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Bridgeport Game
The Bridgeport game is still scheduled fro Oct. 29th. Transportation to and from the game will be provided, the bus will be leaving at 3:30. Our estimated time to be back to the middle school is 8 pm. The students will be handing back their equipment when we get to the locker room, so please leave a little extra time when you plan to pick them up. We will also be having a pizza party on Thursday at 4 in the high school cafeteria, the students can be picked up around 5:15.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Essexville Garber on 10/15 now AWAY
Due to electrical problems at our stadium, the game for next week has been scheduled to now be at Essexville Garber at 5pm. Our bus will be leaving at 3pm from in front of the middle school and will be providing a ride back from the game. Our estimated time to be back is around 7:45.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Millington Game and Heart Screening
The Millington game has been rescheduled for Monday, October 21st at 5pm in Millington. The bus will leave the Middle School at 3:45 and it is DROP OFF only. Appointments are available for the FREE heart screening for your student athlete. I highly recommend making sure your child gets this done. It does save lives. Go to www.tommysheart.org
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Practice today
Practice today will end at 4pm so the students can attend the Trish White memorial. It starts at 5pm in Columbiaville at the hall.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Team/Benefit Dinner for the White/Miller Family
A benefit dinner for the White/Miller family is being planned at the Forest Township Hall on Monday, September 30th from 5-9pm. The cost is $10 for all you can eat pizza and desserts. All proceeds will go to help the family. Since we already have our team dinner planned for that day and time, we will hold it there at the same time. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me and include a phone number. I will be checking my email frequently throughout the weekend.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Upward Basketball and Cheer
Upward.org is registering now for youth basketball and cheer until November 11th. Go to www.upward.org for more information.
Participation Fees
The pay to play fees are due by Monday the 30th, ranging from free to 50 dollars. Please call the athletic office to get it taken care of prior to the Standish game!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Friday Practice
We are going to have practice this Friday ON THE FIELD at 11:30. I will be there by 11:15 to open up the locker room. If you have any questions email me at cmahl@lakevilleschools.org.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Free Youth Hunting Licenses
Meijer is offering free hunting licenses to youth hunters 16 and under. Here is a link to the story.
Team Photos Tomorrow 9-13 at 4pm
Here is a form for the photos tomorrow. This is the best I could do - if you want you can email me at cmahl@lakevilleschools.org and I will send it to you.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Pictures are rescheduled
Pictures have been rescheduled to this Friday at 4 pm. With all the kids that missed practice yesterday I didn't want to waste today also.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Millington Scrimmage CANCELLED Practice is Still On
The scrimmage at Millington has been cancelled due to the Heat Index. We will have a regular practice time but the team will be inside doing walk through and video work. Practice will be over approximately 5:30-5:40. Any questions email me at cmahl@lakevilleschools.org
Monday, September 9, 2013
Millington Scrimmage
This is what I found as far as the scrimmage is concerned:
Please check back tomorrow, I will post an update with the exact physical address of the scrimmage. Parents please remember this is a one way ride, we will be dropped off and the students will be responsible for a ride home. I know a couple of coaches will be driving there and are willing to give rides back to the middle school, probably around 8pm.
Please check back tomorrow, I will post an update with the exact physical address of the scrimmage. Parents please remember this is a one way ride, we will be dropped off and the students will be responsible for a ride home. I know a couple of coaches will be driving there and are willing to give rides back to the middle school, probably around 8pm.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Screening and more Info
The FREE screening for SCA is scheduled for Nov 9th at Clio High School. For more information go to:
Coach Bob and his wife Theresa are asking for help with pre-game meals on Mondays prior to games, an information sheet went home with your student on Friday. They also received three of the Lakeville Football discount cards that we are asking them to sell at $10 a piece. The cards offer various deals to local businesses. Pictures are scheduled for September 11th. If you need any more info or forms please email me at cmahl@lakevilleschools.org
Coach Bob and his wife Theresa are asking for help with pre-game meals on Mondays prior to games, an information sheet went home with your student on Friday. They also received three of the Lakeville Football discount cards that we are asking them to sell at $10 a piece. The cards offer various deals to local businesses. Pictures are scheduled for September 11th. If you need any more info or forms please email me at cmahl@lakevilleschools.org
Friday, August 9, 2013
FREE Sports Physicals
There will be FREE sports physicals on August 16th from 9:30-12:30pm. Clink the link below for more information.
Concussion Information
Here is an article I came across on Mlive that talks about the new rules for athletes and concussions.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Football Schedule
Here is the schedule for the upcoming season. All games start at 5pm.
-September 10 @ Millington 5:00 scrimmage bus 4:00 drop off-
-September 17 @ Saginaw Carrolton bus 2:45-
-September 24 BYE-
-October 1 Home Standish-
-October 8 @ North Branch bus 3:45-
-October 15 Garber Home-
-October 22 @ Millington bus 3:45-
-October 29 Bridgeport Home-
-September 17 @ Saginaw Carrolton bus 2:45-
-September 24 BYE-
-October 1 Home Standish-
-October 8 @ North Branch bus 3:45-
-October 15 Garber Home-
-October 22 @ Millington bus 3:45-
-October 29 Bridgeport Home-
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Excellent Article on Learning and Physical Education
I came across this article today - the book that is mentioned in the article, Spark by Jon Ratey is an excellent read.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Sports Physicals
Once again Fairview Lakes of North Branch is offering school physicals at the low cost of $25 and the full amount is donated back to the school. You do not need to be a patient of the clinic to take advantage of this opportunity. To schedule an appointment, call 651-674-8353 or go online at www.fairview.org/SportsPhsycials4Kids.
When: At the North Branch clinic Monday, August 6 from 5-7 p.m.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Screening
There will be a FREE Sudden Cardiac Arrest screening in Grand Blanc sometime in September. More details will be coming soon and I will be posting them here. For more information on SCA, go to www.tommysheart.org
Thursday, July 25, 2013
8th Grade Football Info
8th Grade Football Conditioning Schedule and Info
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 to 7:30 at the high school practice field (behind the Varsity baseball field)
Dress for the weather, bring cleats and water. If there is thunder and lightening practice will be cancelled.
I will pass along information on a blog http://columbiavillepe.blogspot.com/
Physicals will be needed before the start of the school year, forms are found in the high school office or here: http://www.mhsaa.com/Portals/0/Documents/AD%20Forms/physical%20card%202%20page.pdf
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Falcon Flyers Running Club
Thursday, May 9th will be our last day for the Falcon Flyers running club. We have been running for the past month and tomorrow will be our 5K! Parents are more than welcome to come out and cheer on your son or daughter. Pick up time will be closer to 5:30 tomorrow. The kids have done a great job and I am seeing much improvement – they should be proud of themselves! Keep it up!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Dynamite Overhand Throw Game
This is some older video I came across while I was trying to clear up some memory on my phone, that's why the video isn't the best quality. The game is fun and the kids can get a lot of practice throwing with accuracy. This is usually something I do at the start of the school year since overhand throw is one of the basics for quality PE.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Tomorrow is All Children Exercise Simultaneously day at Columbiaville. To celebrate, all classes will be walking the neighborhood sidewalks from 3 to 3:30 at the end of the day. Parents are more than welcome to join in, please just check in at the office :) For more information on ACES day, cut and paste this link: http://www.michiganfitness.org/aces
Update: we had all the kids out for a .5 mile walk through Columbiaville, a great success!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Not In My Yard
This is a game we are playing this week to work on the overhand throw and catching. The kids love it and they get in a great workout doing it.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Fishing Club
It's that time of year for some Golf! The Flint Junior Golf Association is having sign ups starting now, ages 8 - 18. Here's a link for more info:
For younger kids, there is a golf course in North Branch that offers classes for 5 and up (I think) heres a link for them:
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Ant Tag
Here is another tag game the kids love to play. 2 - 4 kids are anteaters, the rest of the kids are ants. If an anteater tags you, you have to play dead with legs and arms in the air. It takes 4 other ants to carry you to the hospital, where you can do 5 situps to recover. Excellent game, the kids work their cardiovascular system running and core muscles doing situps and playing dead. This is also an excellent time to talk about compassion with the kids.
Archery In the Schools
Here is some video from one of my after school programs. The equipment comes from a grant from the DNR called Archery In the Schools. All the equipment was supplied that we needed, 11 bows, 5 targets, 250 arrows, and a huge net to catch any errant arrows!
Forehand Strike/ Sharks and Seals
This is a video of what we did about three weeks ago, working on our underhand/forehand strike and playing a tag game called Sharks and Seals.
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